webVR and A-frame Workshop in Nablus #MozTechSpeakers

I’m so happy to graduate from Mozilla tech speaker winter course last year (2017). I’m very thankful to get the chance to join this great network of professionals and good people. The best topic I found myself fit to speak about is A-frame; which is a framework that provides an easy way to create web virtual reality content. So, virtual reality could be open, connected, instant and popular as much as the web and could be easily used in many fields.

My first workshop as a Techspeaker was at my city Nablus, I gave a 5 hours workshop about webVR and A-frame for schools students whose age between 14-16. I use the aframe.io schools slides, we spend the time applying the example and seeing the result using the cardboard. The good thing that I introduce the students to totally new technology. Four of them just seen VR content for the first time in the workshop. They were very engaged and they created simple beautiful example. I love working with young people even it is not that easy  task .

Thanks for Let’s code center for teaching programing for providing us  with computers,internet and space




Some photos from the workshop

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