شارك بالتبرع بصوتك لانشاء منصة صوتية مفتوحة و متاحة للجميع

يسعدنا أن ندعوكم لفعالية تقنية خفيفة، حيث سنقوم بالمساهمة والتبرع بأصواتنا عبر منصة موزيلا Common Voice كل ما يلزم هو حضورك مع سماعات موبايل (مايك +سماعة ) لاستخدامهم في تسجيل صوتك او التحقق من أصوات الاخرين. يمكنك المساهمة بربع ساعة فقط.. شاركونا وتعرفوا أكثر على مشاريع موزيلا وعلم البيانات .
الزمان : يوم الاثنين من الساعة الثالثة حتى الساعة الخامسة و النصف
المكان : جامعة النجاح الوطنية -كلية تكنولوجيا المعلومات – مختبر الحاسوب -رقم المختبر 1240

للتسجيل من هنا:

يرجى التسجيل من هنا: https://forms.gle/3Bu2CncnSFiQ2RXR7

Common Voice 100 hours sprint

 Common Voice هو مشروع يهدف لجعل تعريف الأصواف مفتوح و متاح للجميع .

لانشاء نظام يعتمد  على الصوت المبرمجين بحاجة الى كمية ضخمة من بيانات الصوت. معظم بيانات الصوت التي تستخدمها الشركات الكبيرة غير متاحة لمعظم الناس . نحن في شركة موزيللا نعتقد أن  امتلاك الأصوات من قبل جهة محددة يحد من الأبتكار .

مشروع Common Voice يسعى لجعل الأصوات متاحة للجميع ، يمكنك التبرع بصوتك و المساهمة معنا .

حتى تكون مجموعة البيانات الصوتية قابلة للأستخدام نحتاج على الأقل الى 2000 ساعة من تسجيل الأصوات التي تم التحقق منها مسجلة من على الأقل 1000 صوت مختلف .

تنوع الأصوات هو الحل الأساسي. التنوع على أساس الجنس، العمر، خلفية الأصوات ، اللهجات.

نحن نؤمن أننا نستطيع الحصول على تنوع الأصوات من خلال مشاركة المجتمعات التي تدعم موزيللا في العالم !

يمكنك المشاركة معنا بالتبرع بتسجيل 15 دقيقة من صوتك و كنوع من التشجيع سنقوم بدورنا بتزويدك بمقدمة عن علم البيانات و تعلّم الآلة .

سنقوم بفلسطين بتنظيم تجمع للتعريف بالمشروع  و طريقة التبرع ، سيتم الأعلان عن التفاصيل لاحقاً .

انتظرونا 🙂

لمعلومات أكثر و لمعرفة طريقة التسجيل يمكنكم زيارة الرابط التالي



ورشة عمل عن استخدام Mozilla hubs و spoke لبناء تطبيقات واقع افتراضي على الانترنت

 تم أنجاز ورشة عمل مع مجموعة من أربع طلاب تتراوح أعمارهم من 12 الى 16 سنة  في مركز   Let’s code

لتعليم الطلاب مبادىء البرمجة و التفكير المنطقي .

قام الطلاب بالتعرف على بعض تطبيقات الواقع الافتراضي و قامو باستخدام Spoke composer

لتجميع محتوى ثلاثي الأبعاد في مشهد خاص بهم و نشره على Mozilla hubs.

Mozilla hubs هي عباره عن غرفة محادثة مبينية على الواقع الأفتراضي و Mozilla soke  هو عبارة عن أداة تسمح للمستخدم بتجميع تصاميم ثلاثية الأبعاد من مصادر مختلفة مثل Sketch fab و Google poly  لانشاء محتوى ثلاثي الأبعاد .

كما قام الطلاب برؤية نتائج عملهم  على نظارة Occuls go باستخدام متصفح  Firefox Reality المعد خصيصاً لنظارات الواقع الأفتراضي .

كانت مدة الورشة 3 ساعات تمكن خلالها الطلاب من بناء نماذج ثلاثية الأبعاد خاصة بهم و نشرها على Mozilla hubs

لمعلومات اكثر عن التكنولوجيا المستخدمة يمكنكم زيارة المواقع التالية :

Mozilla Hubs

Mozilla Spoke

Learn how to build virtual reality scenes on the web with WebVR and JavaScript

And here is short video posted on Let’s code facebook page about the workshop.

VR Workshop Using A-Frame

Written by Yamama.

Saturday, February 16 , 2019 I gave a workshop about web virtual reality using A-frame.

The workshop was held in Let’s code center for teaching kids programing in Nablus – Palestine. It was attended by 12 schools students whose ages are between 10 and 16.

Students already have background about programing, but they never developed VR apps before and five of them never tried VR before.

The workshop was of three hours, we spent the first hour talking about Mozilla, Web, open source, the differences between webVR and VR native apps and the differences between AR , VR and MR.

We discussed the differences between 2D and 3D web apps and started with aframe what is it and why we use it .

After getting introduced to some a-frame tags we started developing Hello world app using glitch.com as an editor and server for their pages.

The students were excited about trying simple codes, changing positions ,rotation and light values for each object using the visual inspector tool and then apply the changes to their code and see their code live on their phones.

At the end of the workshop, I introduced them to Firefox-reality and let them try it using Oculus go headset. They were so surprised about how real the VR experience was using Oculus.



Firefox Fights For You #FFFY #FirefoxFightsForYou #Mozilla #Firefox

In January 28th, Mozilla community in Palestine have created a small video in Arabic to participate in Firefox Fights For you campaign and introduce people that Firefox fights to protect  its users privacy.

The following amazing people have participated in recording the video :

Haneen Sameeh Salameh (UX developer)
Dania Yaish (Service Manager at Call u )
Nadeen Kalboune  (developer at Exalt software company)
Dr.  Othman M. Othman (Assistant Professor of Computer Science at An-Najah National University)
Abdallah Habib (system administrator at Paltel )
Ahmad Swailem (Network Engineer at Paltel)
Ruba Awayes (Teaching assistant and lab instructor at An-Najah National University)
Dr.  Mona Nabil Dmaidi ( Professor of Computer Engineering  at An-Najah National University)
JaMal Sayeh(System administrator at Paltel)
Mofed Arafat (Developer at Progineer software Company)
Lolo & Soso & Toto
Yousef Salem (Photographer/Student at An-Najah National University )
Sameera Salameh (Developer at Progineer software Company)

This is the final video

Here are some photos while shooting 😀

Palestinian Mozillians Participation In Women Tech Talks event

Written by Yamama Shakaa.

Saturday, December 8th, 2018  Women Tech Talks event was held at Birzeit University in Palestine .

The event was organized by Arabwic Palestine Chapter and ACM-w BZU Student Chapter from the computer science department at Birzeit University .The event covered several talks lead by successful Palestinian women from several companies, organizations, and universities in Palestine such as Palestine TechWomen, Gaza Sky Geeks, GDG Ramallah -Google Developers Group, Women Techmakers, Technovation Palestine, Mozilla, BZU ACM Student Chapter, and Arabwic Arab Women in Computing -Palestine Chapter.

Yamama Shakaa, Ayah Soufan and Ruba Awayes represented Mozilla by giving a one hour  session to attendees who are mostly computer science  students.

Aya started by talking about Mozilla common voice project and encouraged students  to donate their voices in Arabic . She talked about the importance of having Arabic voice bank  in many projects. Moreover,  Ayah told students about her campaign  that aims to collect Arabic voices. She started by gathering interested people in a facebook group and asked them to  add common   Arabic sentences in this sheet. 


Then I talked about  Firefox types with small description for each one. I focused on Firefox Reality and mentioned Mozilla mixed realities projects like Mozilla hubs and Aframe . I also gave resources for each one and encouraged students to get started. In addition, I introduced students to RUST and  Web Assembly by giving brief description and resources for them. In the break students had the opportunity to try  Firefox Reality on Oculus go headset.

After that, Ruba introduced students to Mozilla’s contribution opportunities and talked about her experience in participating at Mozilla SUMO(Support Mozilla) and Mozilla L10 project.


The  event was very successful  and included a lot of helpful and interesting activities for tech people specially women.

The following links contains the presented slides :

Mozilla’s project and Contribution opportunities

Yamama’s talk about Firefox and other products

Some Photos from the event.

Mozilla Event In Nablus

Saturday, November 10th, 2018 an event about Mozilla’s project’s and contribution opportunity was held at An- Najah National University in Nablus – Palestine . The event was organized by Palestine tech meetups and IEEE Najah students branch .  Many university students and professionals attended the event, they were so excited about Mozilla technologies and they were surprised that Mozilla has many many things besides to Firefox. the greatest product!

The event lasted for four  hours and it has three main speakers who talked about several topics related to Mozilla .

The event started by Yamama Shakaa, a Mozilla tech speaker who is interested in  improving education in Palestine. Yamama started by giving introduction about Mozilla products and projects. She talked briefly about types of Firefox and what Firefox provides for developers. Also, she talked about resources  Mozilla provides for  developers like MDN( Mozilla developers network)  and Mozilla hacks.  Moreover, she gave quick introduction  to some Mozilla developers innovations like RUST and Web Assembly .

The next speaker was Aya Sofan, a Mozilla tech speaker who recently got her master degree in data science. Aya talked about machine learning technology. She linked machine learning with common voice which  is a Mozilla’s initiative to help teach machines how real people speak. She encouraged the audience to donate their voices and help in increasing Arabic voices.

After Aya, Yamama talked  about Mozilla efforts to bring immersive realities to the web. She talked about web virtual reality and Mozilla a-frame. She showed several demos which were built using a-frame. She also talked about Mozilla hubs and how it could help in education. Then she talked about Firefox Reality browser and invited the audience to try it using Oculus go.

The last speaker was Ruba Awayes. Ruba is a Mozilla contributer who works with Arabic localization team and SuMo (Support Mozilla). Ruba gave a great presentation about Mozilla contribution opportunities. She explained in details how she got started her journey as a Mozilla contributor.

It is worthwhile to mention that Ayah, Yamama and Ruba are Techwomen alumni  who got their mentor ship at Mozilla and continues their contribution with Mozilla when getting back home.

The following links contains all presented slides :

Introduction About Mozilla – Yamama Shakaa

Machine Learning and Common Voice – Ayah Soufa

Immersive Realities to the web – Yamama Shakaa
Mozilla’s Projects’ and contribution opportuinities.

Here are more photos from the event :


Written by Yamama Shakaa




WebVR & A-Frame Talk

Written By Yamama :

Wednesday 24th October, 2018 I gave a talk about web virtual reality  and A-frame to senior computer science students at An-Najah National university.

 This is the longest talk I did about WebVr. I spent one hour and a half and if I have more time I will take it.  Students were  engaged and excited about the topic and asked a lot of questions.

Even the talk was long I did not get tired and I don’t think that it was boring. It would be so boring if I speak alone.  In my case the audience were around 35 students and we discussed  our opinions and did a lot of comparison during the talk .

I showed them some examples and demos and we went through Aframe  code examples, the visual inspector tool and the A-frame registry .


I want to thank my Tech speakers colleagues Felipe Do E. Santo and Srushtika Neelakantam. 

I used the material they shared on their git hub and I asked Felipe a lot of questions  before the session.

This talk has 2 first things. Firstly, it was the first “very long” talk I give. Secondly, it was the first talk that I feel I did well when I finished. I usually finished my talks with the feeling that I did bad and I skipped important info or I talked quickly .

I believe this is because I feel confidence as the  department of computer science  is my comfort zone ; I already know exactly who is my audience . Also, I   got prepared well and asked Felipe about some issues that was not clear to me.



Dark Funnel Campaign

Tuesday, 25 September ,2018  the Mozilla community in Palestine organized an event as a part of the global dark funnel campaign to help Mozilla understand what’s in the dark funnel (The mystery download sources that %70 of Firefox downloads come from ).

The event was organized in cooperation with  with Engineer without borders students association and the Information Technology faculty at An-Najah National University .

Yamama started the session by introducing students to Mozilla community and Firefox features.

Next, Ruba told  students about how to use search engine to detect dark funnel websites and how to report them.

Around 15 students participated in the event and they did their best to detect Firefox downloads that does not come from official Mozilla websites.

During the event students tried Firefox reality on Oculus go headset and they were impressed about the Virtual experiences they had.

YouTube Video for the talk :

Techspeaker Meetup in Paris

Written By Yamama :

I was invited to attend Mozilla Techspeaker meetup this year in Paris.
The event took place in Mozilla Paris office on 15,16 th September 2018. The purpose of this event is to gather active tech speakers in order to get introduced to each others, attend workshops and get advises about conference speaking ways and strategies from global expert coaches.
The event was wonderful, all participants  delivered a technical talks. All talks were so useful and introduced us to Mozilla’s projects, activities and products . We learned a lot from listening to each others.

I delivered a 7 minutes talk  about Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed Realities in Education. During the talk, I presented a small example I built using (A-frame) to introduce students to Egypt pyramids through a web VR audio tour.

code on github

The coaches feedback was so helpful . They gave their opinion in a positive smart way that help us a lot to improve ourselves and our public speaking skills.
Attending other Tech speakers talks and discussed with them the topic and the coaches opinion was the best part of the event.
All tech speakers are positive and passionate about Mozilla and all were professional in their own way. There is something new I learned from each one of them.
Also, we got the opportunity to attend several workshops about Firefox reality on go , IOT , Rust and web Assembly.

Furthermore, I enjoyed visiting Paris, and going for a tour in the city with those amazing people. We visited  the  National Library, Bank of France, the Stock Exchange, la Place des Victoires, the Ministry of Culture,  the Palais-Royal and the Louvre.

I am grateful that I was able to have this amazing weekend in Paris with the best people anyone can wish for . Thanks to everyone organized and worked hard to make it that success.

More about Techspeaker program and the Paris meetup can be found here.

By Yamama Shakaa